At Welcome Home Philly, our mission is to end homelessness in Philadelphia, one person at a time. Our approach is unique - we find a full time job for a homeless person, then provide them with a paid for apartment for 6 months, clothes for their new job, basic furnishings and supplies for their apartment, and perpare to watch them succeed!
In talking with dozens of homeless Philadelphia residents, the overwhelming majority just need a small boost to get back on their feet. Rather than providing many people with a temporary home, or a free meal, we believe that to truly end homelessness, we need to work with individuals one at a time. We need to provide each one with the things that most of us take for granted - a safe place to sleep, shower and call home. A full time job, that pays at least $12.50 per hour, and guarantees us 40 hours per week, a small savings account, and the basic items we need to survive each day. With this approach, we can take someone who is homeless today and put them back on their feet tomorrow.
Click here to download a detailed PDF which outlines our plan.